
Boxing Day is awesome, isn't it? It's like Christmas Day but without all the expectation.

Mum, dad and I had a little mooch around Shrewsbury this morning. I've only been away a few days but it was lovely to be back, briefly. Town was lovely and quiet, quite the contrast to those crazy days before Christmas. We all got a couple of little bargains. I missed my darling Robert so much today, especially when it came to the annual Boots haul. Nothing warms my heart like the sight of a sproutlover with an armful of half-price, overly-fruity bathroom goodies.

It has been a beautifully bright and sunny day today and so I took Moss dog and headed for Rodney's Pillar. As it was nearly sundown, I was expecting it to be fairly quiet. Not so much. It seems like the whole of Powys thought a trip up to the Pillar would be a good Boxing Day treat. Quick blast up and down, mostly to try out my new Christmas Buff. 

Nigel Slater's Perky Turkey for dinner. Utterly delicious. And nothing but a Brewdog and book for the rest of the evening. 

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