Back home from the icy beach of granparent's

Ice strong enough to walk on it, but I kept near the shore line and played with my crystal ball for a moment. Boxing day peace, I was alone on the icy beach. And I do not wonder why: the weather was unbelieveable... Rain, hails, sleet and rain again. +3c, and nice wind too. 

Lovely, don't you think?

The christmas time visit into the house of grandparent's is over. 

On our way home in the afternoon me and my son visited my dad in dementia ward. Dad was handsome, wore shirt and tie even! And he was in the good mood too. Nice to see him being so settled this time. 

Easy evening at home, washing laundry and some light household, of course. Nice to be back home!

Hope you had a relaxing christmas season...!


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