The odd curiosity shot

By Flipscokid

Kick 'em while they're down

I shan't ponder too long on today's results but I am slightly, maybe a little bit, quite a lot, alright inconsolably pi!*ed off.

I'm glad I wasn't picking up my GCSE English results today: not only have the year 11s had to contend with controlled assessments (something which penalises them by at least a grade in the first place) but some insensitive bastard thought it would be a good idea to whack up the grade boundaries to an astronomical level. Those who managed to gain the holy grail of a C or above should be mightily pleased.

I can't remember a more dedicated or accomplished team, which galls me even more.

My only real gripe is the lack of awareness and appreciation from the powers that be who sit blissfully unaware in the office just up the corridor...

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