Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Adrift on happy thoughts

So the last day of my Lakeland trip was a complete dream, a mixture of sun and rain but I did not care.

After initially getting ready for a walk, my mind soon changed as my route took me past still waters on the Lake. Turning around and heading straight back to the b&b I gathered my kit and headed off for some canoeing fun. Once my canoe was set up and my wet suit was on it was out into the water.

Seeing the mountains from this vantage point changes everything, the light, the lack of people, the soft motion of the canoe, the lapping of the waves and the almost silence.....magical.

I spent over four hours exploring the waterline, the islands and just paddling about. It rained, it blew and the Sun shone....throughout I had the biggest grin on my head!

Cumbria.....always a pleasure....thanks, it's been emotional!

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