Front step!

Today we had a lie in til 9.30 (involved feeding hly from 6.30!) then lazy morning til we walked to Stoke village to do some errands - then walked to children's centre for music session (one off in the holidays) melody enjoyed it but she won't do any actions (wind bobbin up or heads shoulders knees and toes) in front of anyone! I look like I'm talking rubbish! Then to the park on the swings before home for a long nap and play. When dad in we took mills to the vets as she won't stay indoors at the moment and keeps going out in the rain :( I think she's going senile -or bullied by Florence but apparently it could be a flea allergy (we didn't have fleas I thought) anyway back in 3 weeks...
Good day - paignton zoo tomorrow.. Apparently raining from 9-3 :(

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