Keeping track.

Since I, now think I may be "over the hump" I've been hammering away intermittently at catching myself up.
A reason, or three, for this one is/are
1. A Census.
2. Not much taken that day.
3. We have since added one to fill the back gap.

1. Plant count - Three were aboard at purchase ≤2010 one plant of each of 3 types. "Middle one" has been replaced a time or two. 
There is now a total of 9-10 at right hand clump (becoming hard to count) Left hand group (Spelling in doubt "Caput Medusae" from memory. The middle one, now thriving.
3. Including the most recent addition not seen until December 2016.

The extra is the last possible chance for our flash of autumn before the last few leaves depart.

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