Reikes small life...

By Reike

Hiking with Collies - natural born posers

When hiking with Philipp and Djeili today, we met two women and three Collie girls, and after a little break on a bench together all sides were happy to move on together. We diverted from our original planned treck to another little peak that offered more solitude and less wind chill factor for our girly group including Philipp ;) 

We had brought a little raclette stove that can be heated with tea lights and our well established little wood stove for making tea, and so we had a little feast up there, hot raclete cheese on bread munched with nice views and rounded up with good chocolate. I happily responded to the request to take pictures of the dogs (see the extras also). Later on we were invited for a tea at a very cosy old wooden house, amazing! I would love to live there! And she even has a hot tub in the garden! 

When souls of a kind meet, the day can be nothing short of fantastic! 

More pics here

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