Melplash Show

Phew worn out!
Today we have been to our local agriculture show, it's a one-day show with lots going on.
We got there early to watch the show hunter classes.
Rob went off and spent most of the day catching up with farming friends. I met up with mum and we watched the main arena from the stands as she can't walk around the show now. I went to get some food and it took me about an hour to get back because I kept bumping into people I knew!!
The photo is Rob presenting the Shire Trophy to the best turned out Heavy Horse ( which unfortunately had removed all the harness before the parade) Rob and I gave the Trophy many years ago, as we bred and showed Shire Horses in England.
The weather was cloudy and became quite cold by the evening we didn't leave till about 7pm, found R drinking cider with his old shepherd!
I caught up with my dear friend Sue and as always it was as if we lived near each other instead of opposite ends of the world.

Hopeful lie-in tomorrow!

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