
By CharlotteJ


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Last full day in Dubai.

We started the morning by doing a 'Chris's Walking Tour'.  We took the metro from the hotel and at the end of the line we walked to Dubai Marina.  The marina has changed since we were last there and there are a lot more buildings and even more going up!  We had a nice light lunch and afterwards to made our way back to the hotel.  There was a little problem with one of the activities that came with our room rate which was a small shame but on hindsight, I doubt I would have enjoyed it.  After a little sunbathing we took ourselves off to the 'beach' and found a table tennis - we are so competitive its funny!

We took a look at the Lost Chambers (free entry for us) and I have to say it was rather lovely.

We certainly wont be in a rush to stay at the hotel we did if we do travel back to Dubai - its terribly commercial but in a way nice to see it so that I can have an opinion on it!

We fly home tomorrow (29th)

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