my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Hand in hand through their parklife...

Today was spent making a huge map of Oldham so Miss A and I can plan our Outreach work. Basically, I crafted...I stuck round stickers on it and have big ideas about coloured pins.


As soon as the girls were home we headed to the park - J met and played with her friends. This is happening more often now and the gap between her and her little sis seems to be widening a bit as she grows up.

But Eve was great and had a good time anyway and as usual she chatted non stop.
She wasn't feeling it I'm sure - but I thought her swinging solo looked quite poignant. BLIP.

Me and my three girls are heading to bounce on Sacrilege at Alexandra Park tomorrow. The girls have seen it on Newsround and Eve is really looking forward to it because apparently she "..has wanted to bounce on Stonehenge HER WHOLE LIFE"

Who knew?

Missing the man tonight but it's nearly weekend. Which means the end of }:-/

THAT is 'Kate Frown' emoticon according to the fella. He knows me so well.

Peace and Love x

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