wesolych swiat.

in poland, the christmas excesses take place on what is christmas eve for us.
the meal starts when the first star is visible or 4pm if, as today, it is snowing and you can't see the stars.
everyone dresses in their best clothes, suit and tie etc. before the meal, good wishes for the coming year are exchanged with each person individually, along with the bread of the eucharist. i did my best, reading from a card i had written in phonetic polish and they seemed well received.
the meal must have at least 13 dishes and there is always one extra place setting made.
the meal is very different to an english christmas with two soups, several meats, fish, two kinds of pickled cabbage (of course) and vodka obviously.
after the meal (which takes quite some time) its the presents, then, in gosia's family at least, its time for a sing song.

i only recognised one tune. whether that is because they are not international or because of the quality of the playing i'm not so sure.

happy christmas wherever you are.

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