
Crystal coloured tears reflect the festive lights 
And rain drops strike the glass to beat their rage 
In agitated rhythm that blur my vision 
Of the storm that soaks the heartsick day 
As tears fall and streak the face that mourns 
The passing of yet one more soul who could not stay 
Without her daughter. 
 - merrilhope

The winds have been ferocious all day, their howling past my windows as the giant Cinar trees dance back and forth too close for comfort and make me feel I'm living in a Harry Potter filmset, while the rain beats, literally,  on the windows - and kept me home all evening, where amongst other things, I watched the best bits of "Singing in the rain".  

"Good morning"; 

Too much grief this week, this month, this year.

"Carrie is my child, and I love her with every ounce of strength I possess. If love alone could cure our children, they would always be well. Since I can't, I will do whatever it is to make her life less difficult." - Debbie Reynolds (2013)

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