Heading South

We headed off south to visit No1son and family for a few days.

I tried to grab a shot of the nice rays near Carluke ...... and failed as you can see.
The sky started going pink with some fog forming as we were going across the Pennines and stayed that way until we got to about Leeds .... very nice but not practical to stop and take pictures.

So we booked into the hotel and went to see Butterfly (see extra) and her parents.
We got back to the hotel shortly before 11.00pm and found there was a function taking place. When we were standing waiting on the lift somebody opened the function room door and the volume was incredible. The door closed and almost all the sound stopped. Great soundproofing!
Or so we thought!
We got into our room two floors about and the bass from the music was louder than it was waiting on the lift.
When you lay down in bed there bed & pillows seemed to have the effect of amplifying it.
At 11.30pm I phoned the front desk and asked what time the function was due to finish. I got the response "Oh, I don't know ..... maybe 12.00 or 12.30". My response was "So I am expected to put up with this racket for an hour?" ............... "I will go and have a word" and the phone went dead.
Whatever word he used made no difference until 12.30am!

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