
By DriftingIn

Why am I here?

It's probably a question I've asked myself many times when I experience this scene. It's equally applicable to my first foray into the land of Blipping. I've known about the existence of Blip for a long time and lurked to keep track of relatives. In a post-Christmas haze yesterday, I began to consider the merits of starting an account for the new year and I've taken the plunge.

I've started with a familiar scene for me. The hustle and bustle of following a football team. I've been here hundreds of time and I hope I will be here hundreds more times. It means a lot to me. It has its moments of elation. Recently it's had more moments of utter misery and incompetence. Tonight lurched between both and ended somewhere in between.

As you can probably tell from the above, I can't say I am a photographer or have any real interest in photography. I can't even say my life will be that interesting to read about. In the end, I decided to join to help me focus a bit more. Joining Blip might help me begin to reflect on each day and focus on how I can make the next days better. We'll see how the journey goes.

I don't expect to acquire a host of followers or to entertain many people but if you happen to stop by, I hope you've had a great day. It's great to have a visitor!

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