Could be out cycling

Sometimes, frequently, there is a conflict between what you'd like to be doing and what you have to be doing.

Such is the way of the world.

In order to make better use of my time, I've blocked myself from various social media, committed to a bit more exercise and reflected on my inability to form new habits.

A survey I took, via the Guardian, suggested to me that I was an obliger, someone who finds it hard to say no, finds letting people down tricky but has no issue letting slip commitments I've made for myself.

So, it suggests, I should make my commitments public, share them with Mrs RB and display a bit more backbone. Also, I think I'm much better with all or nothing approaches - for example, I find it harder to stick to eating a bit of chocolate than none at all.

And after my rant about the four fifths of the population in my age bracket who are packing a bit of excess lumber, I'm not so sure that I don't have a place in that eighty percent.

I'd quite like to be comfortably in the twenty percent.

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