Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Going round merrily...

...near City Hall today... huge and "flowery" ( sort of )! It appears to be empty, but children were being loaded on the other side so I thought I'd better not shoot without permission.
At last, managed to take the kaput mobile in to the Sheffield shop, where I was directed to "Raf upstairs" who was utterly charming, but sadly couldn't work his magic. At least it has now been sent off to be repaired or replaced though.
I now have an OTG cable so my camera and old phone are on speaking terms again, so that should help when we're away. Sadly the camera doesn't seem to want to befriend my Kindle, though the cable was bought specifically with the Fire in mind. Any suggestions gratefully received (apart from "buy an iPad")...

Update - I seem to have solved the problem with the Kindle - read a review on the OTG cable which suggested downloading a file manager called ES Explorer - I think I've got it working now... possibly...

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