Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Old and New

A while back on a whim, I did a quick little model fishing boat out of Styrofoam just for fun, and on a lark, I anchored it with some thread to a small rock in our water feature at our vacation rental. It was only two inches long, but was fun to see floating in the "river".

One of our guests featured the little boat in a video he made during his stay.

Unfortunately, it turned up missing just after that, and I found it still attached to its rock but across the yard in the grass. There were obvious beak-marks on it. Apparently a bird thought it looked good to eat and scooped it up from the water. Quickly while flying away, he went "PTUI! STYROFOAM!" and dropped it.

So, though it was scarred from its beak-encounter, I put it back in the water feature, only to have the same thing happen again. This time it was unrecognizable, so I said to myself "What the heck - I've got more Styrofoam so I'll just make another one. The birds will catch on!"

WRONG! The replacement Styrofoam fishing boat made several trips across the yard before it was so riddled with beak-marks as to be unpresentable.

Well, today I found the solution (snicker-snicker)! It was a bit more trouble to make it out of an oak block and paint it with three coats of paint. Plus, it doesn't float quite as high in the water as the Styrofoam ones did. But SURELY no bird in its right mind will mistake this one for a piece of bread!!!

Weeee'll seeee . . . . . .


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