Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Spooky woods

Had an epic day. Got to stables with plan of day out in horsebox. Got horses ready. Horse box would not start. Called Mike to bring Jump leads. Jump started and on our way. Parked up at foremark res and set out. All going to plan when fog came down just as we got to section that said 'ride through several fields and gates'. We couldn't see more than 50m ahead and went through the wrong gate then got lost in a wood and it took us over an hour to retrace our steps by which time we were losing the light. So we decided to go back the way we came. Jenny somehow got her boot trapped on the gate latch and Dougal panicked and bolted. I looked round and she was hanging by her boot upside down! Once I knew she was ok and Dougal had been caught it was quite funny!

We made it back to the horsebox just as the light was fading only to find that I had left the parking light on??! No idea there was one. So it wouldn't start again. Fortunately Mike was walking with the kids and dogs round the reservoir and had gone back to the car and seen the lights so had waited for us to get back. So he jump started it for the second time for me. Then on the way home someone pulled alongside us at a roundabout and said we had no rear lights. It was pitch black and very foggy by this point. Could only see a few meters ahead. So I had to pull over, ring mike to come back and get him to tailgate me all the way back to the stables. On the way back, every time I indicated, my head lights went out and I had no lights on the dash at all. I'm still a little scared of driving the horsebox so having dodgy lights, the fog and the dark pretty much finished me off!! Ready for a stiff drink!! I think the horses enjoyed the ride but were getting a little impatient waiting for us to try and work out where we went wrong!

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