At Last

By 8

Let Me Out!

I'm rarely ill enough to stay indoors for more than a day - but I've been in for I dunno ...three days - hell I've forgotten which day it is...
And I really needed to give you a rest from the jumper and the lamppost.... so here's one of my favourite windowsill thingies.... glass piece made by a friend...
It's about 30 cms square and really looks great when backlit by the afternoon sun.
Can I put an extra in that wasn't taken today?
A shot from a recent walk which made me think about Mary Poppins.... (and fellow blipper Martin Dawes who does extraordinary silhouetty type shots) if it works....
If there's nothing in extras - you know it didn't and I've gone back to bed disgruntled...
BUT BUT BUT I can now breathe through BOTH nostrils at the same time!!!!!!
It just hurts when I cough or sneeze :-(

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