Business As Usual

More clearing up today.  Anything new?  Not really.  Still misty outside.  Shot this on the way to the supermarket.  The usual errands still need to be done, but also keeping my eyes peeled for more of the boxes we need.

Also did some genealogy work today.  Sometimes I find myself wondering why I'm still stuck with this particular interest.  I think part of it is the fact that the information is SO accessible.  The Dutch archives are a breeze, and with Google standing by, practically nothing is impossible to find.  If there is a particular person I can't find yet, there can be only two explanations -- he died or has just died recently and there are no obituaries (some people don't like their obs advertised), or he's still alive, in which case our privacy laws apply.  Some of the archives, though, are rather sneaky -- they will post a mention of it if they manage to get a copy of the deceased person's 'memorial card'.  All other info can be accessed either online or through the info I request from the genealogy centre.  Those guys will get a cake or two when I'm done ... and they know it.

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