Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


The Dizzle and I did a Game of Thrones binge session this morning starting at 8 am. By midday we had done four episodes (with breaks for breakfast and showers). These were the "high body count, break all the taboos" end of season five / start of season six episodes. Jaw dropping' doesn't really do it justice. The thing about Game of Thrones is that it is never gratuitous, often intelligent and contains some real character gems. But it does leave you feeling a little depressed....

TSM Met me from work and we went to see the Robert Rauschenberg exhibition at  the Tate Modern. Really enjoyed this. Goes to the heart of the "is it art?" debate. He  was born the same year as my father (1925)  and did most of his work in my lifetime, particularly the 1960 s and 1970s. It all really resonated, especially his use of found objects / materials. Lots to think about and take in. But a lot to enjoy too; his use of colour was really uplifting at times.

Shared a veggie burger and some sides in the National Film Theatre - really nice to sit down and talk after you have been to an exhibition. Bankside and The South Bank were incredibly misty and the people were silhouetted in the orange lights; I took this picture near the OXO tower.  All rather lovely and spooky.

Ended up meeting The International Love Corporation (aka TSM's brother) in The Sussex Arms in Lower Marsh for a couple of beers and a catch up. Really lovely way to finish off the day.

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