Minster in the Mist
I decided that I would queue to join the Tower Tour at the Minster today, come what may. Unfortunately the day dawned frosty and misty and there was no queue at the Minster at all! The man behind the desk thought it would clear in the next half-hour or so, so I bought the ticket and struggled up the 275 steps to the roof of the main tower. I was rather worried at the list of ailments he made me read before he allowed me to go as I was convinced that one of them would get me!
It was not a climb for the faint-hearted or the claustrophobic, but I finally made it to the top and walked out of the final door to see - absolutely nothing! Although I waited until the last minute - I was finally asked to come down - the mist barely cleared and this picture taken half-way up, was the best I could do!
After a quick lunch I went back into the Minster and spent another few hours in contemplation. It is absolutely magnificent, totally awesome; how it was ever built is beyond my power to imagine. Down in the crypt you can see the foundations of the original Roman camp in the town, which preceded even the earliest church on the site. The current building was begun in 1220!
I wandered into the Chapter House and sat down to admire the wonderful structure. Just for a few minutes I was the only person there; in spite of being in a very busy building in a very busy city, for those moments there was no sound there whatever, apart from my own tinnitus! A magical place.
The 'largest medieval Gothic church' in Northern Europe, it totally defies description - it is simply the most staggeringly wonderful building I have ever seen or entered. I could have spent the whole day there without being bored and next time I visit York I will probably do so. I must free up some extras and add a couple more pictures.
But of course I wish now that I'd persevered with the queue the day before, when I would have seen the amazing view from the top of the tower! Can't win 'em all!
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