Spot the Pineapple...
Deep sense of satisfaction this evening after a busy day spent getting a load of the kitchen boxes unpacked and the contents into their new cupboard space.
Ele arrived just before midday to give us a hand. She and David headed upstairs to sort the many many many boxes into kitchen, utility room and new hall cupboard piles. Meanwhile I gave Alan his lunch and I am delighted to report he ate a massive pile of ravioli followed by a large pack of Cadbury chocolate buttons and drank a pint of milk. Yes, I think it's safe to say he feels much, much, much better. It's like the sun's come out again in our life.
Ele headed off at 4pm and by 5pm the last of the kitchen boxes was emptied. Well the ones that came downstairs. Still a few upstairs but they can wait. It feels great to have things where I feel they naturally belong. Even managed to be quite ruthless and chuck out loads of stuff.
This little Austrian crystal pineapple is all that's left of the collection of Austrian crystal I started age 19, when David bought me a little crystal bear. Sadly over the years due to wear and tear, clumsy house moves and if I'm honest, my own carelessness, they all got damaged and disposed off. I was so happy when this little one emerged from a wodge of tissue paper. I have sound a safe little corner for it in the kitchen :-))
So almost the last day of 2016, the weirdest year ever. Still some prep to do before our Hogmanay guests arrive tomorrow evening but determined not to get stressed.
And keeping my fingers crossed that there will be some needles left on the Christmas tree. It's one sneeze away from being a tree skeleton.
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