Not a nice photo, I know. But forgetting any photographic equipment for tonight's outing makes this my only shot for the day.
Last night's poorliness had me calling 111 who said a&e in the morning was the right thing to do. So off we went. And after very many hours I was pronounced 'probably fine', which was not completely reassuring, but certainly better than the alternative. (Turns out that one honey and lemon drink a few days ago was not enough to make me better.)
The rest of the day was spent very successfully forgetting about all that unpleasantness, with a trip to the Lego Store with the kids, then the fab annual 'kids' party at our friends' place round the corner. Much fun with quizzing, food and a dungarees gag. You had to be there. (No, seriously, you should come next year - it's ace!)
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