
By tolu

I needed this tableau of calm today.

The last month has been such a stressful one, trying to find a new home for Kai and I.
The logistics of packing and living out of almost-packed boxes. Of feeling guilty about leaving Kai with grandparents while I run between Manchester and London trying to sort things out. With the seemingly insurmountable yards of red tape and paperwork that face my particular situation. Of a very tight belt financially. And now a week to go and I still am no closer to finding somewhere.

So this week, while our 'home' waits in self-storage, I'm hoping for a miracle of house-sized proportions!

However, looking out on this golden vista, remembering the family and friends who are being so faithful to Kai and I right now, feeling small in the expanse and warmed by the light, I took lungfuls of air and heartfuls of hope into the day.

Thank you for your comments on yesterday's blip. I think it will be one of my favourites in Kai's childhood album

Edit Apologies and thanks to all who commented on first upload. I had uploaded the wrong edit!

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