USS North Carolina

I stopped by the resting place for the USS North Carolina today on the way to a couple hours at my daughter's house.  The ship is currently painted in her battle colors, the reason for the white on the hull.  Many of these cables help keep her in place.  This one was moving as I took the photo.  Here are notes about the ship:
"USS North Carolina (BB-55) was the lead ship of North Carolina-class battleships and the fourth warship in the U.S. Navy to be named for the State of North Carolina. She was the first newly constructed American battleship to enter service during World War II, and took part in every major naval offensive in the Pacific Theater of Operations; her 15 battle stars[4] made her the most decorated American battleship of World War II. She is now a museum ship and memorial kept at the seaport of Wilmington, North Carolina.   The first of the U.S. Navy's fast battleships to be commissioned, she carried a powerful main battery of nine 16 in (410 mm)/45 caliber Mark 6 guns. The ship received so much attention during her completion and sea trials that she won the lasting nickname "Showboat".

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