Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Ελιος – Mercy

The hamlet of Elios, which means 'Mercy' lies at the foot of our local peak 'Delfi' – not the one famed for its oracle. This picture is looking straight up the forested slopes to the peak from the village below. There is a little snow, quite unusual for December but not unheard of. The loudspeaker is attached to the exterior of the community offices and notices of local importance are broadcast around the village from here. Things like 'The power will be shut off from 2pm until 6pm' or 'The water will be shut off from 8am until 2pm' Helpful, community-spirited stuff.

Yes, in recent history naughty Greece was profligate and got into debt, and yes its pious creditors like to wag their short fat little fingers and tell us we mustn't give a few extra coins to impoverished pensioners over Christmas just to make it slightly less relentlessly difficult for them. And yes, after photographs of drowned Alan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach were shown across the planet certain heads of state liked to show how magnanimous and charitable they were by throwing open the doors to their countries with a resounding clang only to decide some months later and a little more quietly that those same refugees could be sent back to Turkey and back to Greece as well.

No, Greece cannot balance its books, but never mind, we can still share what we have with those who need it. We can still show the rest of the world the meaning of civilisation. And do you know? To the best of my knowledge there is no threat of a terrorist attack by Daesh in Greece. Funny that, how love drives out hate.

As far as I am concerned 2016 has been an 'annus horribilis ' and tonight I shall put myself to bed early, shut my eyes tightly and wish as hard as I can that when I wake up in the morning the world has come to its senses so that 2017 brings hope.

With love to all of you :-)

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