Christmas is over...what next?
The shops are finished with Christmas and on they go to the next reason to purchase a greeting card...supposedly! Although I'm all for sending a card any day, just because you can and want to make the recipient smile.
We come to the end of 2016 and I'm pretty sure tomorrow morning the world will look the same as it does this evening. After all, what's in the change of a digit to make 2017...
I find the whole pressure of having to set a New Years resolution to change yourself in one way or another entirely wrong...society shouldn't encourage us to beat ourselves with a stick, most of us do that enough without encouragement!! Also, in my mind, you can decide to make a little or a big change any day you should like.
This year I think we should all try and show a little more love and kindness - let an extra person into queuing traffic or smile at a fellow walker on the street. After all, surely that's far more worthwhile than the many fickle resolutions that will be broken by February...
Maybe I'm just super cynical!!
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