The Radish Diaries

By Radish

There She Is

It's been a slightly disappointing day.
I eagerly listened to Radio 4 this morning expecting to hear news of my knighthood....nothing.  Again.

Then I got put in the car.  
Things are looking up I thought.  But no.  
They went into The Fat Pig for a 3 hour lunch and I sat in the car
all by myself.  

We set off again and stopped by the beach.  At last...but the lazy Mrs said she felt too full for a walk.  The irony of her choice of restaurant was not lost on myself and the Mister.  

Fortunately Corfe Castle was lit up so we stopped for the Mrs to take some rather poor photos (she enjoys my constructive critique of her snaps), and the kindly Mister took me for a little wander, but for some unaccountable reason I wanted to stay where I could see the Wretched One.  

On our return to the village the Mister took me to the Cove for a tiny walk and made the mistake of letting me off my lead, so I made a dash to find the Mrs and nearly got run over.....

I do hope 2017 is going to be a better year.
My New Year's Resolution is to try and pull myself together and stop this inconvenient attachment to the Mrs.

Happy New Year!

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