Just checking out!

That the birds haven’t eaten all the seeds! I’m not reporting today, as the lady in the house has been busy and will tell you all about it.
The squirrel wasn’t the only visitor in the garden The temps have been 2-3 degrees the past couple of days, but it was up to 9 degrees this morning, so everyone was out and about.
I was cooking a turkey for tomorrow, as we are having guests for dinner. The turkey was frozen and had instructions on how to cook it from frozen or it could be defrosted…..for 72hrs!! I went for the frozen option. As this was a first for me, so I followed the instructions to the letter and used my meat thermometer to ensure it was thoroughly cooked.
The meat for tomorrow is ready in the fridge, and the remainder packaged and frozen for later dates.
We are having a quiet evening at home. I hope that all my blip friends enjoy their celebrations and have a happy, healthy and rewarding 2017. We cannot change the world as individuals, but if ‘we do as we would wish to be done by’, it would be a small positive step forward :0)

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