Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

New Year's Eve

What a year 2016 has been. Highs and lows but now is a time for new beginnings. 

I've been very aware that my time here is far too fleeting and I'm not giving Blipfoto and your journals the attention that it and they deserve. 

Therefore, I've come to the hard decision that this will be my last entry. 

I don't regret for a minute pledging funds towards Blipfuture and I'll never regret meeting all the amazing photograhers and friends from here but other things are taking more of my time and attention.

The blog is doing well and I'd love to see you there and I'm still on Flickr when time allows as well as the other social media places. 

I'm not closing my journal so you can still keep in touch via any links on my bio page.

Huge thanks to each and every one of you for every star, heart, encouraging or supportive comment, kind thought or prayer, over the past few years. They have all meant so much, while I've had my ups and downs. 

You're all amazing, don't ever change.

Happy New Year xox

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