
Delighted to find a perfect new tablecloth for A and also did a bit more bathroom planning with S.
Down to visit P (just as well I did - his heating and kettle were broken, and he'd run out of milk and teabags). We had a lovely chat - lots of laughter about how Diesel hates it when people wear red - even just socks!
Down to visit M&H&AR....she was even more steady on her legs very nearly taking a step several times. She wanted to hold hands and walk everywhere and play with her little Galt pegs and squeaky eggs. Lovely to spend a bit of time with them all before I go home.
Back via T's club to recce it for my party in a couple of months....looking good! Must start the planning properly soon
Settled onto K's sofa to watch Dawn French then waiting for the fireworks. Hoping for good things from 2017....

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