Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Lithgow Tales

Lithgow isn't, strictly speaking, part of the Blue Mountains, given that it is an independent local government area. Socially and geographically however, it is readily accepted by most people as part of the scene. Norma and I go shopping here just as frequently as we'd go to Katoomba.  

Anyway, Lithgow supports street artists just as well as anywhere else around these parts  and I feel that its street murals deserve a place in this documentation project.  The picture above has me facing east, standing on the Esbank Street  overpass of the main western railway line below. The inner side of the safety wall carries a sequence of murals, depicting significant events in Lithgow's history.  The pictures were done by local artist Anne Christie and a team of assistants as part of the Lithgow's 2004 "Tidy Towns" project.  For information about that, see the extra picture.

This main blip pano really needs to be seen LARGE.

Prominent along the line of artworks is an image of a famous train accident which took place in 1909 when the old Zig Zag railway section was still part of the main railway line.  Evidently brakes failed  and the locomotive ran headlong to the end of the "top points" section before leaving the tracks and threatening to plunge over the cliff into the valley below.  See the second extra and/or follow the link above.

Almost forgot ... HAPPY NEW YEAR folks!!

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