New beginings
This was going to be a photo of the new snowdrop shoots coming up in the garden, but it is pouring down, so this is my indoor cyclamen plant instead. Still flowering from last Christmas.
We had such a wonderful time last night.
P & B really didn't have any idea about the surprise party.
I met the other two bridesmaids whom I hadn't seen for 50 years, as well as many friends, also not seen for a very long time.
None stop chatting and laughter until midnight, when we all wished each other a very Happy New Year, and sang Auld Lang Syne.
One couple who we had totally lost touch with, and now live up in the Yorkshire Dales, we have promised to visit soon.
Many thanks to P & B's daughter and son for organising it all.
Wonderful food, and drink.
They though as it was New Year's Eve many people wouldn't be able to come, but instead of the expected 40 or so 90 came! ( good job it was RSVP.)
It was lovely to walk home through the village with all the fireworks going off around us.
One of the best New Year's Eve ever.
We are now off to our walking club's New Year's Day party at C's house.
I actually don't feel too bad at the moment, but think it may catch up with me tonight.
To end, this is my wish for you all in 2017
May it bring you happiness.
May you stay healthy.
And may it bring peace to the World.
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