Xmas Glitter Paper

This is a rather unseasonal blip harking back to the Xmas period. It is an image taken with my new toy, digital USB microscope which takes 5mp images an between 200X to 300X magnification. This Xmas wrapping paper had glitter snowflakes all over it and needless to say the glitter showers off the paper copiously. The depth of the glitter is in fact too deep to capture accurately with the fixed aperture but as yet photo-stacking at these magnifications is beyond me. The other problem of course is the overblown highlights from the glitter reflections which can only be dealt with in post-processing.

Yesterday's blip was also taken with the digital microscope so it is no wonder nobody was able to identify it. It was,, in fact, a picture of some quilted toilet paper so I guess that goes down the pan. I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel creatively when I am reduce to using bog scroll as an image. 

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