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So here we all are at the start of another year. The past twelve months have certainly been full with a mixture of good, bad and indifferent for all of us, and Blip has been saved and put on a sound footing.

Each year my son buys me a diary for Christmas, and for the past five years I have kept a record of my daily life. In addition to blip. So, a new diary in front of me, waiting for the future to unfold. I wonder what I will have written by the end of the year, the choices I will make and the events I record over which I have no control. Much of what I write is mundane, so there will be no momentous publication of my life and times, but the world is made up of the ordinary. I hope life continues in this way with holidays and days at Waddesdon Manor the highlights of excitement.

Talking of which, it has poured with rain all day today and I have been at Waddesdon; we have dealt with thousands (literally) of wet umbrellas! Despite the weather, everyone was in good spirits, and enjoyed their day.
So dear Blipfriends, here's to 2017!

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