Happy New Year

I finished my Christmas jigsaw tonight, woohoo!!!
A thousand pieces of Christmassy fun. All neatly in place where they should be. So satisfying!
2017 got off to a lovely start. Despite being knackered after only four hours sleep!!
Miss E invented a fantastic board game before breakfast which is top secret hush-hush while we develop it, manufacture it and make our millions. At 9am we were all sat on our bed playing it. Including Archie!
The family that plays together........
I had a ridiculously long bath then we headed over to Bicester to see my mum and dad. And Maisie, Elsie and River!
We played more of Miss E's game and brainstormed names, rules, design, 
Miss E was summed up in a nutshell when she said that the introduction would say "Welcome to Word Island, these are the rules you need to follow!!!"
We had a great afternoon - more eating, mulled wine, chatting and generally doing not very much!
I showed my mum my Etsy shop which I had hoped to open today but naturally I still haven't written all the blurb and finalised the pictures. It'll be done by Christmas!!!
Unless of course we're already board game millionaires by then!

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