The sunsets ....

.... on another day.

Took the Christmas tree down this morning and no matter how much I hoover, I'm sure I will still be finding pine needles in 6 months ;-D)))

Mr C put up our new picture that my parents bought us for Christmas (extra), I love it! He also put two old pictures that we have had for years but have been slightly damaged by damp whilst in the basement. I'm going to look into whether it is worth getting them repaired professionally as some of the prints seem to be worth something ~ just have to see if ours are!

Lucy left to go back to Cheltenham this afternoon and the others are out so the house is empty and quiet :-/

Everybody is back to work tomorrow and I'm going to be doing 3.5 days a week for a while (covering someone who has reduced their hours for a while).

I've had a wonderful Christmas and new year and I'm looking forward to the new year ahead.

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