A Moment Out

Thought I"d take a break from the flu and go out for some fresh air after half a week of fog, both outside and in the brain.  Went to the Grevelingen area and decided to grab that instead of waiting for the sunset.  Now that we're poised to return to Breda, this area will become a detour instead of simply a 'side road' on the way home, so I'm thinking of visiting more often.  Of course, it's useless hoping for consistently good weather.  The theme for today's Mono Monday is 'NY's resolutions and if there is one thing I have to remind myself of, it's this -- that hope leads to expectations.  In fact, the two are often confused with each other.  And so, a resolution of some kind -- if I want something, I shouldn't hope for it.  Instead, I should either work towards achieving it, or take the event as it comes and work towards seeing it through and adapting myself to it.  The easy way out always has a price. 

Flu better today.  Took an hour in the shower washing out my hair, and then about half an hour brushing it out.  Sometimes, you never appreciate what you have until you have too much of it.  Hubby is at his bridge evening in Breda.  He still isn't sure he'll continue with the club here after the end of the season.  In the meantime ... I have to attack the attic mess.

Not a bad second day.

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