'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Last days of the holidays...

Two 'out of the blue' opportunities today - one of the Mistle Thrush above which appeared just as I was leaving the car park and the first - the buzzard (included in the extras) which landed on the gate just as I reached the bottom of my driveway on my way out.

Three beautiful things:

Getting the balance of work and play just about right on the last day of the holidays.  Might not have been able to go kayaking but did manage a good walk with the dogs.

A definite move in the right direction for starting my own business.  Very scary but very exciting too!

A simple glass of red wine to end the day with. 

One thing to be grateful for:

Both dogs are safe and well after their tumble (due to a fight with another dog) down a very high and steep river bank.  I was more shook up than they were! I should add that the other dog is also safe and well. 

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