The Open Frozen Road

The snow was still crisp and the puddles still frozen. Yes, it was as cold as it looks.

It was a day to keep cycling and avoid stopping - which was duly achieved. There wasn't a wisp of a cloud in the sky. Even the nascent contrails dissolved away immediately to maintain the flawless blue backdrop to the landscape.

I turned on the TV last night in the middle of Dragon's Den. One of the young lads pitching looked familiar. I'd probably not seen him in ten years but he was immediately recognisable because of his likeness to his dad, who I happened to meet on the moor back in November, grabbing his portrait for my Face By Face project. We used to regularly stand at the side of the pitch together watching our boys play football on a Sunday morning. 

My guess was soon confirmed to be correct when he was referred to by name. He and his equally young business partner got offers from the dragons ... but turned them down. Amazing how quickly these boys grow up. 

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