Sleep thief

This gorgeous little man was so unsettled last night. He Started calling out for me at 00:00, this then continued through the night to the point at 5:00 where I declared it was lee's turn to go!
Wom ended up in our bed, lee asleep in his bed!

Munch then woke around 6:00

Daddy took them both down around 7:00 leaving me in bed, to then wake me to ask to come and look at munchie. She was white as a sheet and saying her head hurt, she was also really lethargic .

Calpol deployed, sleep followed. Sadly after about thirty minutes she was sick. Mostly down my back as I was carrying her to the toilet as she was making odd noises.

We calmed her down and I took wom to the shops to do chores. She was sick again. Wom fell asleep in the car.

Wom slept for 2.5 hours!
Munchie dozed

Dippy eggs for lunch
Quiet afternoon

Munch went downhill again around 5pm but it was more tiredness than anything else.

Woms been nappy free since he woke up from his sleep. No accidents.
Nursery for wom
School for me
Training day for munchie thankfully

Fingers crossed for calm tonight
Oh and some sleep

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