Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

A frosty morning was followed by a bright cold day.

A quick trip out in the car bird spotting ( no walk) resulted in some excellent views of Fieldfare and Redwing in the sun but in a poor place to stop on the road for other cars so no photos.

Dad seems to have lost interest in football which is a bit of a relief on a day when SKY had three matches in a row. I watched the parts of West Ham and Man United game when nothing seemed to happen and missed the bits when from reports it all happened.

Mum and I watched Coronation Street as usual

I answered some questions on University Challenge - that is always a good feeling.

Mum and I watched Coronation Street as usual (annoying that two episode thing isn't it)

A good night for looking at the sky and everyone has been photographing the moon and Venus and Mars almost in a diagonal line to the SE. I did have a go but it didn't compare well to the real thing.

10 Years have passed since January 2007 and that seems like a very long time ago.

I've not always made the best use of that time but I have had some good times talking photos - I sometimes wonder if I should have taken it all more seriously (the photography I mean) but no I'm sure that would just have become a job and the joy would disappear.

I have always enjoyed not having to commute to the city.

I have loved learning the footpaths and local hills.

My sister continues to teach me about the natural world and I hope that never changes.

I have met some nice people - local people and people who live locally ( there is a joke in there somewhere)

I have not forgotten the people I used to work with but some them are now just faces with no names.

I wish I had been better at keeping up friendships but I suppose I can always change this.

I have learnt a lot about growing old and I hope I can make a better job of that now.

It was just as frosty a night but the morning made for a better photo :-)

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