
By Grimsayer

Off ot he beach again

A decent stroll on the beach by Kyles Paible accompanied in the main by one of the local dogs. He wasn't so impressed when , in a game of hammer throwing using an old (very hard) fishing buoy on a rope, he got a clunk on the nose. The buoy in the blip would probably not have hurt as much.....
Back then for a Chinese take-away from the local restaurant prosaically called The Chinese Take-away before heading off into the sunset of 2016 at a neighbour's house. Pipers were played, poems recited, pipes blown, nibbles nibbled and drinks drunk. A good time had by one and all followed by another stop at another neighbour's house on the way home before retiring at just gone three am.
Rums were partaken of for the first time for exactly two years.

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