Up up & away

M&M were stars and had breakfast ready for us pre 5am and got us to Heathrow in plenty of time - THANKYOU! 
We had a super smooth journey, a great connection in Madrid and even had time to go to Paul to buy Asha the macaron we promised her on the way to the UK (but didn't have enough cash for!). 
We got home about 3 this afternoon...lovely to see sunshine and to be back in our flat. 
It's been SUCH a lovely time away, we've come home feeling tired and happy, with more good memories made and friendships deepened.
I've backblipped now, if you fancy a nosey...I'll slowly be catching up with your blips! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An incredibly smooth journey home.
2) Having done the unpacking.
3) The prospect of a very early night!!!

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