Dolly and the bunnies

I woke up just after 3am this morning, and I couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and pottered around for a bit! I took one of the sets of Christmas lights off the tree, before I stuck a dvd on and tried to get back to sleep! I did start to get a bit tired again, so I stuck radio 2 on the to and I eventually drifted off, I woke up just after Ken Bruce came on! Once Lewis woke up, we spent the day tidying and putting the Christmas tree away, it always seems so bare once it's gone! We are going on holiday tomorrow, Faro in Portugal, so we were really just getting organised for that! We have a bit of organising with the bunnies, all their food is weighed out, and Matt is going to take Kiki to the vet for her injection on Thursday, then we are back on Saturday, so just a short trip, but looking forward to it a lot! Couldn't pick just one picture of the bunnies, so here are all of them!

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