There's a rumour about...

IF I understand correctly,  a Message from "The System" told me I was 
3>>>----->2>>>------> days to my next "milestone".
I guesstimate that ought to be today.
We shall see.
However, it will be nice to have something to celebrate.
Roll on improvement. >>>---------->

I neglected to wonder if this is a "true" anniversary, based on years since joining or a fictitious one based solely upon a publication count?
I suspect the latter, using the following "logic/calculation"
1. My first, conscious, Blip: of a chain of continuous Blips, occurred on:-
March 3rd 2009. With a further 10 stretching back to 1961.
2. I know, with 100% certainty, that I went through a phase where I missed several entries in 1 yr. ... (The middle 9-10 months of 2010).
Whilst I am still "a bit chuffed" it causeth one pause to contemplate.

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