St Nicholas Church

in Newbury!

I have no way of straightening this picture now that I can't use picasa unfortunately, so it is SOOC!  An attempt for Wide Angle Wednesday hosted by Bobs Blips :)

A crazy day.  I got up early again and completed a handwritten application form which took about an hour and a half to finish.  Whilst I was writing it,  I got a phone call to invite me to apply for another position...they sent me the job description and I've said I'd like to apply, so waiting to hear if I have another interview.

Tomorrow I have an interview which is what the handwritten application is for.  However, I also possibly have a long term contract starting on Monday, though I'm waiting for confirmation due to references...

Went into town and had a 'fringe' cut, then walked to my JobCentre appointment and came back almost to the car.  Snap decision to eat out (very bad), but at least I had a salad and diet coke :)

Just one more thing to find for tomorrow's interview and I need to do some ironing, then I can relax...

Happy Wednesday folks :)

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