Roll With It

By Falmike

'Fitful Friday'

John dropped us at LAX at about 11:30 (US), yesterday, we asked him to, no use prolonging the agony!! It was way to early, the check in desk didn't open until 1:30. (US).
We had lunch and boarded the aircraft at 4:30, (US), took off at 5:00, (US), and landed at 11:00 (UK). We were in 'Big Red' by twelve and arrived home around 7:00, altogether about 21 hours travelling.
It's wet but not as cold as we thought it might be and England seems quite drab.
Our house is a fabulous colour - tomorrows Blip maybe? - and we are yet to unpack. We are all shattered and ready for bed.
Today's Blip photo is the welcoming Beefeater at Terminal 1 and Sam and Josh crashed in Big Red on the way home.
Tomorrow we collect our dogs and sort ourselves out.

Until then.

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