Let it Sno and Sno

It did…overnight about 12 inches (well we are in the USA) and the view this morning was spectacular. The Boss and “S” donned snowshoes and went out while “R” attacked the entry with a lawn mower sized show plough to clear the way for other guests tonight. 
Link for sno shooing by The Boss…  

I just enjoyed my time on the side of The Boss’s camera pak as it was sitting near the gas fire. I have spoken toThe Boss about getting measured  for a jacket from memories4me but he is confused about this inches business…..Sigh.

The extra today is from the iPhone 5 of “S” 

It was  good thing we were not thinking about flying out today as that would not have happened but all should be clear by Friday.

During our stay we have been entertained by wonderful classical easy listening music and on inquiry found it was an FM station. On further inquiry we found the station was in Singapore. Todays boundries are indeed unlimited.

Pawscript   Everything should be viewed LARGE


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